Pinterest is a big inspiration, especially when it comes to interiors. I wish I could walk around people's houses and have a nosey but I can't. Luckily the internet is filled with photos of every kind of interior. Anyone who's anyone can upload a photo of their living room or latest shelving arrangement for the world to see and take inspiration from. It's not always possible to have the whitest, most spacious room in your own house with just the right amount of shabby chic, but one look through Pinterest and you can feel one step closer to achieving it.

Minimalism is a huge trend at the moment with the main appeal being a clutter and stress free environment. Out of sight, out of mind, a clean, un-cluttered interior can allow your mind to be freer and explore ideas and inspiration without the physical clutter distracting you. Type 'minimalist interior' into Pinterest and you'll find thousands of photos giving you ideas of how to achieve it. Minimalist may sound daunting but with some simple space saving hacks you can hide away your clutter and fake a minimalist lifestyle, however the less belongings you have, the better minimalism works.


If you're inspired by minimalist interiors and want to recreate that in your own home, you're in the right place. One tip before you start: m/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/take it step by step and tackle one room at a time. Going from clutter to minimalism can be quite a task!



Minimalist interior home decor




White is perfect for minimalist interiors. The minimalist colour palette usually sticks to white and off-whites, grey and earthy tones while using geometric shapes and lines to create the illusion of more space and height. If you want to add colour, stick to one colour and don't over-do it!


Quality over quanitity

When creating a minimalist room, it's usually best to start with furniture. What are the essentials you need? Stick to only that and don't be tempted to add more. Which pieces of furniture can you remove without sacrificing comfort and practicality?



Interior design inspiration



Statement lighting is a great way to add a feature to a room without it being cluttered. Try out a big pendant light in the bedroom or dining room, or concealed LED strip lighting and floor lamps work well in kitchens and living rooms.



Inspiring interior designs



Keep it simple

A completely clear home would be boring so add in some simple decorations. A vase of flowers on a coffee table. A piece of art on one wall. You still want it to be welcoming but clean, not empty. Big and bold patterns are visual clutter. Stick to plain colours, especially on the floor.



A quick way to achieve a minimalist look is to get rid of items that are sat on the side in plain view. Ideally you only want a few simple decorations (see above). Every item should have a place, either hide it, store it or bin it. Bookshelves with doors, drawers and cabinets are a minimalist’s best friend.

You may never quite reach the standards of show home minimalism that are shown on Pinterest, but with these steps you'll be on your way to a clean, un-cluttered minimal home to help you stay inspired in your daily life.

These tips were brought to you by Naomi from Oh Hello Mango.