Though we may put little thought into it, our dining tables are used sometimes three times a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year.

They are also one of the few places in the home where the family can come together as one; offering quality time that no other piece of furniture can match.

With heavy use however, a table can run the risk of suffering from heat burns; especially if children happen to be regularly using the table.

When your dining table does become damaged, the piece of furniture that you may have been saving half a year for, may no longer offer the same wholesome feeling that it once did.

Fear not however, as with many things in life, we can find solutions to such problems so that we can get things back to the way that they once were.

Once you have identified a heat stain (and sought out the culprit), here is a solution to help get your table back on the mend:

1. Wipe down the surface of the table with a clean cloth that is dampened with a small amount of teak oil.

Allow the oil to dry completely before continuing.

2. Rub a small amount of butter into the heat mark so that it is covered completely. Leave it to sit for 12 hours (or overnight if you want to be efficient), and wipe it clean the next day with a towel or kitchen roll.

3. Mix a small amount of ash with either olive oil or mayonnaise and gently spread the grey paste into the heat mark with your finger.

Again, leave it for 12 hours and wipe it clean with a towel or kitchen roll.

4. Lay a clean, white cloth over the affected area. Set an iron on a medium heat and move it in circular motions over the surface of the towel.

5. Continue until the stain is completely removed. Apply wood polish over the area where the heat stain once was. Keep in mind that harsh cleaning will damage the polish of the wood. Rub the polish into the surface using a soft cloth.

Remember however, that this procedure may only work on a table that is mildly afflicted. Serious burns may need professional help via a carpenter.