organise your home


Many people start the new year with a handful of different New Year’s resolutions. Whether you make your resolutions personal, home or work related, it’s key to select ones that will help you have a positive year filled with memories and achievements. When it comes to home resolutions, one of the biggest themes is to get organised. Organisation can be a difficult when you have a house full and lots of different things happening at the same time, but with some simple changes and handy tips, it’s never been easier to organise your home and prepare for the year ahead.


Start with the Kitchen


The kitchen, also known as the heart of the home, is one room that can be challenging when it comes to organisation. It’s also the best place to start, as it can often be the most unorganised and cluttered. Ensure all of your pots and pans have a large enough space to be stored. There’s nothing worse than having drawers or cupboards that don’t close properly, or the avalanche of pans that occurs every time you open the cupboard door. Ensuring that items are neatly stored away will instantly make your kitchen feel and look neater and organised. Another great idea is to label your jars. Jars of herbs, spices, coffee, sugar and so on will be much easier to identify if you have neat labels to show what each item is. Finally, sorting through your fridge and kitchen cupboards is essential. As the year goes on, certain items of food get pushed further and further back until they’re no longer even thought about. Whilst tinned items have a long shelf life, you often find yourself hoarding items that passed their sell by date a long time ago, and these are the items that are bulking out your cupboard and preventing you from filling it with tasty treats that you actually want and need. As for the fridge, we’re all guilty of leaving sauces, dips and often vegetables to go off and again, get pushed to the back. De-clutter your fridge by throwing away anything you know won’t get used, or anything that may have gone off, as this is taking up valuable storage space for other items.


Onto the Bathroom


It’s really easy to keep your bathroom tidy and organised once you’ve invested in a few key items. The best way to plan your bathroom to ensure if works well for you is to take a look at your daily routines. If you go through a large number of towels in your household, investing in a laundry bin will be hugely beneficial. Not only will you have a space to store unwashed items that’s handy to carry to the washing machine, but you’ll also save yourself the hassle of searching every bedroom for towels that haven’t been taken back to the bathroom. Laundry baskets are an essential household item and they work really well at keeping your laundry process organised and fast. You could also look at how many products/cosmetics/bath items have been opened and left for months. There’s no point in hanging on to products that aren’t being used, especially if they’ve been opened and left for a long period of time. Throw these items away and you’ll suddenly notice you have so much more surface/cupboard space available! Having a neat and tidy bathroom will instantly create a fresh, inviting feel and lift the atmosphere within the room completely. Have you read our post on how to brighten up your bathroom?


Now for the Bedroom


De-cluttering your bedroom is the main key to an organised, positive space. By throwing away any items that have accumulated over the months and been sat on your oak desk, you will instantly feel a fresh, welcoming feel within your bedroom. Clutter can cause a room to feel untidy and dull, so eliminating anything that you no longer need will help give your bedroom a fresh atmosphere. If you find your clothes are taking over and you’re constantly running out of space, putting seasonal clothes into vacuum bags can help to free up some essential wardrobe space and keep your clothes clean and neatly stored away for when they’re needed again!